Visual Arts
Our Sea of Islands Exhibition
C. Makanani Salā, PhD
Dr. C. Makanani Salā is the Chief Operations Officer of Gravitas Pasifika, LLC, based in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. She holds undergraduate and graduate degrees in Hawaiian Studies from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa and a doctoral degree in History from the Universtiy of California, Irvine. Salā also holds the traditional Hula practitioner titles of Hoʻopaʻa ʻŪniki ʻAilolo and Kumu Hula ʻŪniki ʻAilolo.
Prior to joining Gravitas Pasifika full-time, Salā was Executive Director of the Mayorʻs Office of Culture and the Arts for the City of County of Honolulu. In her capacity at the City, she oversaw the Sister City program and International Relations fro the Mayorʻs office; Hawaiian cultural and language initiatives across City departments; and special events. In addition to working as a cultural consultant on numerous local, national, and international creative and research projects, Salā has spent more than a decade in higher education working in the fields of Hawaiian Studies, History, Music, and Medical Humanities. Makanani resides in Honolulu with her husband, Aaron, and their three children.
Alyssa Mei Ungacta Chau
Alyssa Mei Ungacta Chau is a Pacific Research Intern at the East-West Center Arts Program currently serving under the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture. Born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, she is of Taiwanese and CHamoru descent with village ties to Otdot, Dedidu, and Malessoʻ on island of Guahan. She is currently an undergraduate student at Kapiʻolani Community College planning to graduate with her B.A. in Sustainability and Pacific Islands Studies from the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.
Program Overview
A phrase coined by scholar and cultural practitioner Epeli Hauʻofa, “Our Sea of Islands” is an oft-quoted reference to a redirection in the perspectives of the islands in the Pacific. Rather than considering these islands as an exotic other, Hauʻofa challenged the world to see the Pacific region as a metropolis for engagement of all kinds. We consider the exhibition, Our Sea of Islands, to be one that uses engagement as the cornerstone not only for the resulting presentation of artworks, but also for the very foundation of those pieces or performances from conception to fabrication to manifestation.
Program Venue and Schedule
Capitol Modern: The Hawaiʻi State Art Museum
250 South Hotel St. Honolulu, HI 96813
Opening Event
7 June 2024 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Capitol Modern: The Hawaiʻi State Art Museum
7 June 2024 – 31 December 2024
10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Monday to Saturday