Waʻa Schedule
DAY 03 | Saturday, 08 June 2024
Hoʻi Mau I ka Iwikuamoʻo: Waʻa Community Day
10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Kualoa Regional Park
This public event invites the public to immerse themselves in various waʻa activities, including waʻa tours, knot tying, star compass activities, and more. Enjoy a day at the park- bring your beach chairs and sunscreen, meet some crew members, and listen to live music and entertainment! Food trucks will be onsite with food and drinks for purchase. Waʻa organizations will be selling unique T-Shirts and other waa related items to support their programs.
DAY 07 | Wednesday, 12 June 2024
E Mau Ka Holomoana – Waʻa Symposium
Time TBD
Hawaiʻi Convention Center
E Mau Ka Holomoana - To Continue the Voyage. The waʻa symposium brings together voyagers, waa elders, and the larger community to engage in presentations and discussions on topics such as food preservation, history, traditional canoe building, waa education programs, and the perpetuation of non-instrument navigation in a changing climate.
DAY 08 | Thursday, 13 June 2024
Holomoana (Voyaging) Day
9:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Bishop Museum
Holomoana Day at the museum will run all day and includes performances by waa crews, planetarium shows with navigators, music, food trucks, and a special honoring of Grand Master Navigator, Pius Mau Piailug. End the night with a special concert by our talented voyagers. This event is not to be missed!